Monday, September 10, 2007;


Mood: Uhm...
Location: where the heart is at!
Listening to: test, test, test

Busy, busy students thought they'd go up a mountain for fun, but guess what, it came with a price: it was tiring as hell!

Among them (plus me, of course) were characters we're already familiar with. Heavy Eater was very early, but not as early as the Drama Queen and Prince, who were both too cuddly for the morning. I overheard HE talking about how late Rain had stayed up, keeping him company as he waited for the sun to rise. How cliché, but we have to remember that we’re in college and clichés are abound. Oh well. Back to the story. HE was quite ecstatic about it, and I think I very much furrowed my brow upon spying him being cuddly with Green in a way that, I must say, rivaled Drama Queen and Prince’s cuddling sessions.

Weren't they just airing dirty laundry days ago?

Shoot, it's getting old, these stories about Heavy Eater, Rain, and Green. They're the reason global warming is afoot! Let's talk about something relatively new, okay? On the trip, Hero was caught holding hands and providing shade to Nana and was even heard bragging about the latter's lifework! Good for him. After all, he seemed like he needed all the assistance he could get, finding it difficult to get up from the long, long stairs.

There were also talks about how Rock Band threw a fit during class! Apparently, he thought his calling was to preach about Descartes, but he ended up spouting things about Kuznets instead. Ouch. But it must be the work of the Fates (aside: "Philosophers, after all, couldn't just demand too much respect; otherwise, they'd get less than they deserved"). Nobody feels compelled to pity him though. Even Syrup thought it was an odd thing to say in front of his students. Yes, Syrup, even I think it's odd. Odd, with a capital "O."

Speaking of Syrup, someone told me she had a small fight with Pancake. She seemed undisturbed though, seeing as she was still seen laughing with her friends our trip.

I suppose that's enough to guess about for now. But the question is: are you guessing it right?


1. The weather is sooo hot!
2. Pocky is hot…'cause it's chocolate!
3. _____ is hot!


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freshly baked and dipped at 6:08 AM 0 bought and ate pretzels

Sunday, September 9, 2007;

WITHOUT ARMOR < or amor >

LISTENING TO: Concert series of some random girl band.
MOOD: Depressed.
WISH: To be in a world where the people I love wouldn't have to leave.

Someone's ass is being grilled, and that person has no idea that it is half cooked. No one, even the other members of the project will be able to extract the name of that person from me. It will be my own little secret. (note: no acts of forced extraction, no torture, no cold treatment please.)

Pocky! WELCOME to the project!

This project is getting some attention, maybe we should be more careful with what we post in here. I don't want Kay-Fed stumbling into this little blog we have here.

I really don't have much to say, what's our next topic? Is it still gossip or are we going to change it to: HOTNESS?


1. Santa Santita's CHUCHU is sooo hot in person.
3. The grill is hot.
4. I'll get the hot seat after I post this.
5. My eyes are hot and teary.
6. I HOT Double L. :D

-TRIPLE L (loves double L)

freshly baked and dipped at 4:43 AM 0 bought and ate pretzels

Wednesday, September 5, 2007;


Mood: Relieved. Kind of. Yeah, that
Location: Here where you can’t see me
Listening to: Some random Chinese babbles on the telly

Butterball has just left the building, and I, Pocky!, would, from now on, take her place. Bye-bye Butterball!

Anyway, a little buzz told me that Heavy Eater and Rain were sitting pretty closely at the back of Economics room this afternoon. Of course, I just had to see it, so off I went and caught a glimpse of them from the door. Not only that, but the second time I passed by the corridor, they were very comfortably cuddly-cuddly with each other. Hmm…is this “the start of something new”?

But I doubt Green has given the okay signal. She and Heavy Eater are still a little off, and Syrup had just unwittingly confirmed it. The things you hear when you just casually pass by a group of people can really shed light on some situations, and oh boy, did this one shed blinding light!

Onto other news: Red has a look-alike that just now has caught my attention (not in that way, mind you), and I saw Ice cream, Tofu, and Barista checking him out. Is Black the new Red? Well…maybe not. Red is still a little cuter than Black.

Oh yeah, I forgot, Kay-Fed has just dropped a killer bomb on us, and the only one who escaped (for now, that is) was Green, all because she wasn’t there. Tsk…is this an indication of something? I think I saw her talking to Ice cream, so why wasn’t she in class? That one big love isosceles is beginning to melt cubes of ice!

Blech. I heard Rock Band dished out the exam grades today, and it seems that a lot had just signed their death warrants. Gosh, I bet even Kay-Fed would agree that them lot looked like deaths warmed over. Poor dears.

…So…I’ve exhausted my gossip for today, but before I go, let me just say that Milo-green cropped shorts are never a good thing to wear to school.

Cheers, chickadees. ‘Til next time!

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freshly baked and dipped at 7:21 AM 0 bought and ate pretzels

Tuesday, September 4, 2007;


Here goes my rambling. *I just looove lists.

1. Hook and Peter Pan just can't/don't/won't coincide. =P

2. HE + Rain + Green= One big love isosceles

3. Red's looking cute lately. Am I right, Barista, San Fo and Tofu?

4. I saw Fifi and her "friend" and they reminded me of Drama Queen and Prince.

5. Brad + Angelina= Brangelina, Tom + Katie= TomKat, Ben + Jennifer= Bennifer, Drama Queen + Prince= DramaPrince? Eeew much?

6. Cat poop smells SOOO bad. Yuck.

7. Is it THAT hard to balance your time between your friends and your "lover"?

8. Gossip is nice... only if it isn't about you.

9. I liked this number.

10. Zanessa are overrated. Peace, Zanessa fans.

11. Would you rather be green than blue? I'd rather be blue and true.

12. "Every now and then you come to mind."

13. The first cut is the deepest.

14. Why can't Christmas come now?

15. It is possible for a boy and a girl to just be friends. At least for me.

16. I will always find it hard to say goodbye.

17. Kay-Fed is so Britney.

18. A lot of people still don't have code names. Guys, help!

19. What does jealousy indicate? Answer me please.

20. When the going gets tough, the tough goes shopping.

21. I hope Rock Band gives me a good grade.

22. Idioms are fun.

23. Emoness is So Very OUT.

24. Is it just me or is Cuba really getting a li'l naughty? Hmm...

25. Sleeping at two in the morning is not good.

26. GTG. Ta ta!

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freshly baked and dipped at 7:51 AM 2 bought and ate pretzels

Sunday, September 2, 2007;


I know a person whose love for food is highly evident. You might know that person too.

I personally can't understand where it all goes. But, whatever, good for him. Everybody does secretly hope that they can consume as many delicacies as they want and NOT have to worry about their figure. So let's not dwell on that.

What I'll share is about his very complicated situation. For easier reference, I'll call him Heavy Eater.

Heavy Eater likes Rain. He loves bathing in her presence. And if you're watchful enough, you'll see them together by the corner or secretly holding hands. No, I'm not talking about the Drama Queen and her Prince, they're much too obvious. Their little secret is nice to know, and I can't see what's wrong with them spending time together.

The problem is, someone is getting Green with envy. Heavy Eater and Rain both aren't in a relationship but Green is definitely not happy to see them together.

As we write, Rain is giving no effort to fight Green off. And Heavy Eater is still trying to do a balancing act. I do hope he does well. It would be a shame if he lost everything, huh?

Need more clues?

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freshly baked and dipped at 5:42 AM 3 bought and ate pretzels

Saturday, September 1, 2007;


to gossip is fun. to gossip is un-boring. to gossip is evil.

and.. did i say to gossip is FUN?

this looks like a post right? but it's not. you know how they have those soft opennings for restaurants and stuff? this is somewhat like that. a SOFT POST.

calling on Triple L, Santa Santita, Tomi girl and Butterball...

"show me someone who never gossips, and i'll show you someone who isn't interested in people."

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freshly baked and dipped at 7:24 AM 1 bought and ate pretzels


NAME. what we go by
BIRTHDAY. a date, a month, a year
SCHOOL. there where we get schooled
HOROSCOPE. today will be a sunny day for me, you, she, and the other

"we gossip but we don't lie; we share but we don't tell; we laugh but we don't mock; we cry but we bounce back --- we're happy, and all is right with the world"

coffee and hot chocolate;

SPREAD THE WORD! Link us as "the PRETZEL project"!

Hey, to protect the identities of the PRETZELS, we'll not be linking any blogs of the student body anymore. But we'll put up links to sites/blogs that we find interesting. You can recommend!

nibbles and bites;

CBOX recommended.[:

flavors and seasonings;


coffee beans and cocoa;

August 2007
September 2007

smoke alarm;

we're currently listening to the telltale sounds of gossip...and other interesting and mature things we can blog about, of course...

burnt pretzels;

editing with photoshop CS